Jumoke, Inc.
Everyone Loves The Child

Helping The Youth Of Today
Jumoke has fostered a relationship with several private and public agencies to ensure comprehensive care of all clients. We are committed to providing strength based services to at-risk youth in order to help shape them into productive citizens and maintain or improve their current placement status with the state of Maryland.
Our Primary Services:
Group Home Program
Our group homes are designed to provide 24-hour supervision residential services in the community for youth who are foster care for males ages from 16-20 with a safe, structure and stable living, while teaching daily life skills to maintain healthy living beyond foster care.
Jumoke's program goals for our group home clients are as follows:
To promote social functioning in the direction of adult independence
To execute each resident's individual service plan with precision and quality
To promote family reunification when appropriate
What we offer for all clients:
Weekly allowance and bus pass
Clothing stipend
Safe environment
Life skills

Independent Living Program
Our Independent and semi-Independent Living Program, serves males and females between the ages of 17 - 20 years old, where we teach life skills, financial independence and transitional planning to prepare youth into being
self-sufficient young adults.
Our Program Goals are:
To promote education attainment, employment, healthy lifestyles and financial independence.
To promote youth involved in the program to have higher rates of adequate shelter
To increase client's social functioning and foster the development of autonomy.
What we offer to our clients:
A weekly stipend (groceries and allowance) and bus pass
Life skills group 4 times a week (on various subjects)
A computer lab (job searching, resume writing)
Group outings once a month

Jumoke Behavioral Services
JBS (Jumoke Behavioral Services) is our one-on-one program catered to individuals who need additional support/services.
For our Group Home or Jumoke Community Based Care residents who need intense supervision due to extreme behavior, we provide one-on-one services, including:
24-hour supervision
Advocating for resident
Attending all scheduled appointments
Transporting to and from school when needed
Teaching hands on daily life skills
Introducing residents to community resources and activities

Developmental Disability Administration
Jumoke Community Based Care (JCBC) is a human services agency that provides strength-based intense 24-hour supervision services through a therapeutic residential milieu/ alternative living and alternative living units for females who are at risk of being sent out of state for placement.
JCBC services both male and female ages 15-20 in the care/custody of the local Department of Department of Social Services or Department of Juvenile Justice and Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.
Referrals from lead agencies should be directed to our Youth Care Coordinator (YCC).

Our Additional Services/Programs:
Youth Impact Program
The Youth Impact Program at JCBC is a high-intensity program designed to help youth who are on the verge of being sent out of state into a residential treatment center; hundreds of miles away from their families stay home. JCBC is noted for slowing down the number of youth being sent out of state due to our diligence and compassion to meet the youths needs. We don’t ask “what’s wrong with you?" We ask what happened to you, and we go from there! The primary focus of this program is to assist youth with overcoming trauma and adversity through varied therapeutic process and strategies that focus on skill building and in-home support services. The primary goal of the program is to equip each youth with the coping skills to manage trauma and sustain self-sufficiency.
After Care Services (Transition Planning)
Within the first three months of admission, clients will work with their case managers to create an initial transition plan. This document will include information on plans for employment, housing, health care, and transportation post discharge. The plan will also detail community resources available to the youth in the area they plan to reside. Transition plans will be updated every 6 months, based on the needs and interests of the client. Clients will be provided with a copy of their transition plan upon every review and discharge.
Our Mental Health Services
Outpatient mental health services will be provided including medication monitoring/management and psychiatric rehabilitation services to identified program youth. A mental health assessment is included in the initial intake of all youth and all mental health needs are documented and evaluated by a treatment team to identify needs and goals.
In the case case of an emergency mental health case, our protocol is implemented to include 911 assistance and immediate notification to the program treatment team and the Program Administrator. Additionally, our staff is trained in crisis management and critical issues for medical and health issues.
Our Medical Services
In addition to a complete, annual physical, our medical care follows diagnosed medical and/or emergency medical needs of placed youth. Approval for medical services will be received from the referring agency and verified by Maryland Health Partners upon admission. Both the physical and any medical information from the referring agency will are documented.
Youth are assigned to a medical facility in close proximity to the program and receive regularly scheduled medical visits to ensure all identified medical needs are addressed. Youth with medical conditions requiring specialized treatment will remain with current provider or be assigned to the correct specialist.
Additionally, we arrange weekly drug and alcohol counseling with Treatment Resources for Youth (TRY) to most of our residents.
Our Educational & Vocational Training
Program residents participate in educational and/or vocational training programs based upon individual assessed need. All youth will be placed in a structured educational program that will lead to a high school diploma or a GED. Youth ineligible to attend public educational facilities will be placed in alternative education programs that are approved by the State of Maryland and the IOC. Youth that have already obtained this level will be placed in vocational and/or higher educational training. Educational/vocational training and achievement is a mandatory activity for all youth.
Our Exercise, Sports, & Recreational Facilities
Therapeutic Recreational Activities are made available to the residents on a daily basis via, local parks and recreation centers and the local YMCA

Upcoming Services/Programs:
Insight into developing services and programs that will be offered by Jumoke shortly:
Behavioral Support Services
Children’s Residential Services
Community Living - Group Home
Daily Respite in Community Living - Group Home
Nursing Support Services
Personal Supports
Respite Care Services